NY-GLASS Quick Disconnect ®

- A real time and labour saver.
- Effective maintnanace program with Uni-Spray’s Cam operating couplings provide easy access to cleaning and installation of risers.
- NY-GLASS Cam operating couplings operates at temperature range -30°F (-22°C) to 200°F (91°C) with working pressure 150 PSI.
- Resistant to strong alkaline, phosphate cleaners with sandard EPDM gasket (Viton available)
- Non-conductive
- Available in size : 1" (25 mm) thru 4" (100 mm)

- Cam-Operated Couplings provide easy access for the cleaning and installation of spray risers.
- They adapt to standard steel or non-corrosive risers and headers in sizes from 1" (25 mm) to 4" (100 mm) and are available in Ny-Glass, Poly-Glass or PVDF.
To make up a Quick-Disconnect junction
- You must have one female connector assembly (Part B, C, or D) which incorporates the cam-lock arms, and one male connector (Part A, E, or F) which is shaped to precisely fit into the socket on the mating part and be held securely against the sealing gasket by the unique cam-lock mechanism.
- The female connectors connect to your pipe system by an external NPT thread (Part B), an internal NPT thread (Part D) or a hose barb (Part C). The male connectors likewise connect to your pipes by an internal NPT thread (Part A), an external thread (Part F), or a hose barb (Part E). And, to cap off any section which terminates with a female connector, use the available plug (Part DP). The Quick-Disconnects can be combined with our Clamp-On Nozzles and Nozzle Adapters, Quick-Lock Formed Risers and Headers, Quick-Release Riser Supports, and Ball Valves to make up complete spray header systems that provide unparalleled ease of installation and use.
- To increase the value of your investment in Uni-Spray Quick-Disconnect couplings, we provide a complete line of replacement parts for the assemblies. It is no longer necessary to discard an entire assembly just because one part is broken. Refer to the following pages for complete information and specifications for the full Quick-Disconnect line.

Available Sizes


Note: 1 1/4" through 1 1/2" Parts B, C, D and DC assemblies will be shipped with Ny-Glass Arms unless Stainless Steel Arms are requested. Assemblies are supplied complete with retaining clips.
How To Order A Quick-Disconnect Coupler or Adapter: The complete Part Number tells us exactly what assembly you want. For example, let's say that you want to order a cam-operated Part D: Coupler x FT (Female Thread) molded in Poly-Glass, to fit on a 3" pipe:
The Part Number begins with UNI, followed by the pipe size:
UNI 100 = 1" pipe
UNI 125 = 1 1/4" pipe
UNI 150 = 1 1/2 " pipe
UNI 200 = 2" pipe
UNI 300 = 3" pipe
UNI 400 = 4" pipe
So in our example, we would have so far
UNI 300
Identify the Style of component as shown on page 20, using our Part Code, which in this example is Part D, and we have
UNI 300 D
Finish the Part Number with the Material Code, as follows:
NG = Ny-Glass
PG = Poly-Glass
So in our example, we end up with



- Direct to you from Uni-Spray, made exactly to your specifications and ready to install.
- We offer a full range of our own exclusive Quick-Disconnect components in a full range of sizes, including premium-quality PVC, CPVC, PolyPro, Kynar and stainless steel pipe.
- To give you total design flexibility, we can custom bend the pipework, providing smooth flow without extra fittings, to precisely meet your design configuration.
- To simplify your ordering process, we offer over 20 design configurations with separate worksheets for each. The worksheets allow you to enter all of the dimensions, design parameters, selection and positioning of components in a simple, fill-in-the-blank format.
- If you don’t see exactly what you want, send us your own drawing for a quotation.
- When we receive your completed worksheet or drawing, our engineers will review it for accuracy, and we will provide with a detailed quote.
Exclusive to Uni-Spray, our formed risers eliminate the need for expensive glued couplers. In addition, smooth bends increase fluid flow and prevent material buildup.
