Mark-I Quick Clamp Body
- Permits directional adjustment of the nozzle tip anywhere within a 45° included angle.
- Interchangeable Nozzle Tips are available in Full Cone, Hollow Cone or Flat Spray styles with various combinations of spray angle and flow rate.
- The Mark 1 is also available with a Threaded Ball Connection in 1/8", 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" NPT or BSP, allowing the use of any threaded plastic, brass or steel nozzle.

Major Dimensions

- Inexpensive
- Corrosion resistant
- Impervious to most chemicals
- Good heat resistance
- Injection-molded from custom- blended polypropylene
- Standard with Single Spring Clamp
- Optional Double Spring Clamps for pressures over 4.0 bar
- Resists clogging
- Directional adjustment of nozzle tip anywhere within 45°
- Tips available in Full Cone, Hollow Cone or Flat Spray configurations
- Tips available with Threaded Ball Connection in 1/8", 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" NPT or BSP threads
- Nozzle bodies available in three spigot sizes to fit either 17 mm, 21 mm or 14 mm diameter holes on the riser
The Mark 1 and Mark 2 Nozzle Assemblies are colour-coded for convenient identification, and are available to fit the following pipe sizes:

Ordering Instructions
The complete Part Number tells us exactly what assembly you want. For example, let's say that you want to order a Mark 1 Adjustable Nozzle Assembly to fit onto a 32 mm (1 1/4") pipe, with a Single Spring, and with a 65° Flat Spray Nozzle Tip that will deliver 13 lpm at 2.0 bar:

Note: Our standard Nozzle Assemblies are designed with spigots to fit risers with 17 mm diameter holes. We also manufacture assemblies with smaller spigots for 14 mm diameter holes and larger spigots for 20 mm holes. To specify the 14 mm spigots, simply change the ‘UNI’ in the part number to ‘SS’ for Small Spigot or LS for Large Spigot. For a Small Spigot, using the example above, the part number would become: SS 150 6540 M1.